Request for Accommodation

* indicates a required field

About this Request

The University of Denver holds these requests and information private. The information provided will not appear as part of an official academic transcript but does become part of the academic record.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the University of Denver (DU) has designated the Student Disability Services (SDS) as the only authorized office to receive documentation and determine eligibility for reasonable accommodations for admitted students on the basis of disability. SDS engages in an interactive process and considers each individual’s condition, history, request and the essential elements of DU’s programs, services and activities to determine eligibility.

Accommodations (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and reasonable modifications) are determined individually and are intended to minimize barriers and/or the effects of the impact of specific limitations caused by a disability in order for a qualified student to have equal opportunities for participation. The University may require further documentation to support the request for accommodations. SDS staff review requests typically within 2 weeks.

Must use your university issued email address

Specific Disability/Accommodation Information

Please include year (Ex. Fall 2023)
Student StatusRequired
Choose all options that apply
Type of Accommodation RequestRequired
Choose all options that apply

Is this request for accommodations due to temporary injuries or illnesses with a duration of multiple weeks or longer?Required

How does your disability impact your participation in academic work, programs or services? What are some of the barriers you expect to encounter?

Supporting Documentation

AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services Documentation Guidelines

Students must coordinate with their current treatment provider to obtain appropriate documentation. It is most common for students with learning disabilities or ADHD to submit psychoeducational testing. Please note per OCR (Office for Civil Rights), an IEP may not be sufficient for granting accommodations. Documentation may be in the form of diagnostic testing or a letter of support from the current, treating healthcare provider. Supporting documentation must include the following information:

  • Submitted on formal letterhead from the treating provider
  • Include the treating physician's signature and license number
  • All documentation must be submitted in English
  • Within a relevant time frame
  • Include a formal diagnosis
  • All documentation requires the following elements:
    • Disability / Diagnosis
    • Functional limitation based on objective evidence
    • The need for accommodation(s) based on objective evidence

Please upload supporting documentation below. PDF's, doc., docx., audio, photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be uploaded. Maximum file size: 2048kb

Agreement Required
  • I have received a copy or been offered access to the current issue of the University of Denver Interim SDS Policies. These policies are also available in alternative formats upon request.
  • I agree to read the policies including all sections that are pertinent to the accommodations that have been approved for me through the accommodation request process.
  • I agree to adhere to the policies and procedures to facilitate appropriate administration of accommodations.
  • If accommodations that have been determined to be appropriate for me are not described in the policies, I agree to consult with the SDS Accommodations Specialist assigned to me regarding the procedures for that accommodation.
Permission AgreementRequired

I agree to permit Student Disability Services staff to contact faculty and University of Denver staff, on a need to know basis, to relay information regarding my accommodations. I will notify SDS staff in writing if I do not wish to grant this permission.